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Career Glimpse brings you a wealth of experienced Christian leaders and professionals from around the globe who through their knowledge and expertise will take you on a journey to taste and feel what your prospective career, vocation, dream, passion, or hobby could be like.

Dave Comer

Production, Videography, AVL, Multimedia Specialist, and Media Coach

About Me

Dave Comer is the Co-founder of Black Rabbit Media, LLC and the supervisor for Charis Bible College AVL (Audio, Visual and Lighting), where Dave teaches the applications of the trade from start to finish.

Before becoming a leader in his live production career, he spent close to a decade as a volunteer in media. He has branched out as a video capture and post-production entrepreneur who strives for excellence and is always learning and in search of new and better techniques.

Dave has worked with reputable media artists and upstart companies in the field and the list has only begun. You can expect 100% focus towards excellence, honor, and a teacher’s heart with Dave.

Dave’s available for media coaching and media projects, as well as private consultations.

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